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Calendar + News
This is the page to visit in order to stay up to date with all happenings here at Advent!
Below you will find the back issues of our weekly e-mail, the E-Herald.
Advent News This Week

Birthday Blessings
for the Month

02/01 Greta Canfield
02/02 Elizabeth Raeske-Grinch
02/03 Michael Deeter
02/04 Rita Heiby
02/04 Mathias Bunch
02/05 Norma Pitts
02/05 Jaclyn Kasai
02/07 Tara Leonard
02/07 Margaret O'Neal
02/08 Courtney Crum
02/09 Jennifer Sexton
02/15 Katie Pawsey
02/16 Michael Knilans
02/17 Samuel Maniraj Selvaraj
02/21 Jim Klinksick
02/21 Erin Welch
02/21 Janey Cahill
02/23 Christian Brett
02/23 Alysha Clous
02/27 Sheri Wilson
6th Sunday after Ephipany

Eherald Anchor

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